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Other than the 1pp.png Phoenix Project, three main factions remain in the world: Anu.png Disciples of Anu, NJ.png New Jericho, and Synedrion.png Synedrion.

Each of them exerts substantial control over the majority of Havens that remain in the world. You can become allied with all factions at the same time.

In the course of the game, each faction will offer a series of Diplomacy missions. Completing these missions will allow you to improve relations with them.

Important diplomacy missions are given at the highest point of the relationship levels Friendly (24), Supportive (49), and Aligned (74).

Diplomacy missions (aka walkthrough) for each faction: Disciples of Anu missions, New Jericho missions and Synedrion missions.

Relationship levels

Allied (attitude from 75 to 100)

The Faction is now allied with the Phoenix Project and will co-operate on finding a solution to the Pandoran threat. The Phoenix Project may now actively participate in faction research projects.

Research trees for each faction: Disciples of Anu Research, New Jericho Research and Synedrion Research

After reaching attitude 100% you are rewarded:

Anu.png Disciples of Anu: Tech.png TECH +200, Materials.png MATERIALS +700, Food.png FOOD +900.

NJ.png New Jericho: Tech.png TECH +400, Materials.png MATERIALS +800, Food.png FOOD +300.

Synedrion.png Synedrion: Tech.png TECH +300, Materials.png MATERIALS +400, Food.png FOOD +800.

Aligned (attitude from 50 to 74)

The Faction is now aligned with the goals and values of the Phoenix Project. All completed faction research is now shared with the Phoenix Project and can be accessed from the Research List.

Faction research: Disciples of Anu Research, New Jericho Research and Synedrion Research

Supportive (attitude from 25 to 49)

The Faction is supportive of the Phoenix Project. Locations of Faction Havens have been added to the Geoscape. Defend them to earn a reputation. Failure to defend a Haven under attack will lose some support (3%).

Friendly (attitude from 0 to 24)

Standard relations.

Unfriendly (attitude from 0 to -24)

Cannot trade or recruit from Haven leaders with such an attitude.

Hostile (attitude from -25 to -49)

Cannot trade or recruit from Haven leaders with such an attitude.

Aggressive (attitude from -50 to -74)

Cannot trade or recruit from Haven leaders with such an attitude.

At War (attitude from -75 to -100)

The faction will attempt to attack your bases. Relations cannot improve from this point.