Damage types

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Acid.png Acid Damage

A weapon with Acid Damage will add the damage value to the acid level of the hit body part. Acid can accumulate on body parts if they are hit multiple times with acid damage.

At the start of a character's turn, the acid will eat away at the body part. First, the body part's armor is effected and reduced by 10. If there is no armor left on the body part then 10 damage is applied to Body Part Hit Points and to General Hit Points.

After all acid damage is resolved, the acid value on each body part will reduce by 10.

1blast.png Blast Damage

Explosive munitions with blast damage apply their damage value to each body part caught within the explosive radius of the blast. The highest damage suffered by any individual body part is then applied to the general Hit Points of the target.

Explosives can be particularly devastating due to the fact they can damage multiple body parts in one attack. Explosives will normally have some shredding effect, reducing the armor value of every body part hit by the blast.

Disabled.png EMP Damage

Explanation from user Architectus on Snapshot forums (https://forums.snapshotgames.com/t/whats-does-emp-damage-do/10791):

When EMP grenades are used on the Pure cyborgs, New Jericho cyborgs, Synedrion cyborgs, your own cyborgs, Technician turrets or vehicles, the EMP field damages all exposed bionic limbs, turrets and vehicle parts up to the EMP rating of the grenade minus armor, and disables their use for one turn. The Zeus EMP grenade has an EMP rating of 60, so against say a bionic limb like an NJ propeller leg with armour 20, the EMP grenade will do 40 damage to that body part. EMP effected bionic limbs, turrets and vehicle parts will also be disabled for one turn, removing all attacks, abilities and stat bonuses associated with them for one turn as if they were temporarily crippled. Disabling bionic torsos and heads on enemies can cause them to lose will points as well.

However, if you are fighting Pure that already have shields up and you throw an EMP grenade at them, the shields will still be active, but it can still disable their Juggernaut arms and torsos. So if they retract their shields at the beginning of their next turn, they won’t be able to activate their shields again for one turn, or shoot back for one turn.

If you throw an EMP grenade at a cyborg and disable just one of it’s bionic arms, it will prevent that cyborg from using two-handed weapons in its next turn. If you throw an EMP grenade at a cyborg and manage to disable both its left and right bionic arms, it will also prevent that cyborg from using one-handed weapons and equipment as well, such as pistols, hand grenades, medkits or repair kits.

If you throw an EMP grenade at a vulnerable enemy, you can click on them afterwards and select that enemy’s Info page to see which bionic limbs and parts the EMP grenade has disabled. They will have stop signs displayed on them.

Fully organic units are not effected by EMP grenades at all.

Throwing multiple EMP grenades at a vulnerable single target within the same turn does not seem to cause the disabling effect to last longer than one turn, but throw enough EMP grenades at a vulnerable target and it can still do enough damage to permanently cripple its bionic limbs or parts, or eliminate the target.

So, overall, EMP grenades are best used to temporarily disable enemy vehicle turrets, technician turrets and the left and right bionic arms of cyborgs, so they can’t shoot at you in their next turn.

Burning.png Fire Damage

Setting an enemy on fire with flamethrower

First : Flat Damage is applied to one body part minus the set body part armor (Base flamethrower flat damage is 80)

Formula: BodyPartHP - (FlatDamage - BodyPartArmor) = ImpactDamage(Damage applied on body part from flat damage only).

Second: burning damage from the ground(40dmg) is instantly applied on each body part minus the armor.

Formula: CurrentLitTileDmg - BodyPartHP = GroundBurnDmgOnEachPart

To get the damage that will be applied to the HP from the burning ground we add all GroundBurnDmgOnEachPart from each body part and subtract it from the number of body parts.

Formula: Y = Number of body parts (GroundBurnDmgOnEachPart1 + GroundBurnDmgOnEachPart2 + …) / Y = DmgGroundBurnOnHP

Third : We add ImpactDamage + DmgGroundBurnOnHP which will give us the exact damage applied to the unit HP.

Formula: CurrentHP - (ImpactDamage + DmgGroundBurnOnHP) = TotalDmgApplied

Burning Status and when it is applied: If you lit an enemy on fire the burning status will be applied on enemy’s next turn.

If after the damage is applied the enemy is not on burning tile the Burning Status is removed.

If the enemy is on a burning tile the Burning will be re-applied and the damage will be done on next enemy turn again.

How a burning tiles work: Burning tile applies 40 Burning Status when the tile is freshly lit and someone steps in it.

Each burning tile reduces its damage with 10 each turn for the faction that lit the fire.

Burning ground damage is applied to the solider that steps on it based on the DmgGroundBurnOnHP formula.

Paralyzed.png Paralyze Damage

If a weapon inflicts at least some Standard Damage, then the Paralyze Damage value of the weapon is added to the target's Paralysis value. The Paralysis value can accumulate in a target from multiple attacks.

The target will lose Action Points based on the proportion of paralysis to the character's strength. For example, if the character has a Paralysis value of 10 and a Strength of 20, it will lose half its Action Points, leaving 2 APs per turn. If the paralysis value exceeds the victim's Strength, then it will be completely paralyzed and unable to do anything.

The Paralysis value decreases by 1 per turn, and victims will slowly recover their Action Points.

You will need to paralyze Pandorans in order to capture them for live research.

1piercing.png Pierce value

A weapon with a Pierce value will ignore armor up to the Pierce value before applying standard damage. For example, a gun with damage 50 against a target with armor 30 would normally do 20 damage.

If it had a Pierce value of 20 then the armor's effectiveness would be reduced to 10, and the target would suffer 40 damage. Pierce has no effect against targets with no armor value.

Poisoned.png Poison Damage

If a weapon inflicts at least some Standard Damage, then the Poison Damage value of the weapon is added to the target's current poison level.

Poison can accumulate from multiple attacks. At the start of the affected character's turn, its poison value is subtracted from General Hit Points.

Then the poison level reduces by 10. Over multiple turns, the poison level will fall to zero, but the victim may die if Hit Points reaches zero first.

Medkits will remove all poison from a character that is healed.

Psychic scream.png Psychic Damage

A psychic damage attack is usually an area effect attack that directly reduces the Will Points of targets according to the Psychic Damage value. This can cause characters to panic.

1shock.png Shock Damage

Weapons that inflict shock damage can cause a target to become Dazed. The armor of the hit body part is subtracted from the Shock Damage value, and if this is higher than the target's current General Hit Points, then the target is Dazed.

Dazed characters will have 1 AP for their next turn, and their accuracy will be halved. They will lose their Dazed status at the end of their turn. Dazed status does not stack, so Shock Damage on an already Dazed character has no further effect.

1shred.png Shred Damage

A weapon with Shred Damage will deduct the Shred value from the hit body part's armor. Shred Damage is applied for each projectile that hits.

Blast weapons with Shred Damage will shred every body part affected by the blast. Shred Damage has no effect on body parts without armor.

Dazed.png Sonic Damage

Dazes the target if the target's Will Points are less than the amount of Sonic damage.

Standarddmg.png Standard Damage

When an individual round or weapon strike hits a target it applies a Damage value.

The armor value of the body part hit is subtracted from the Damage value. The resultant damage is then applied to both the Body Part Hit Points and the character's General Hit Points.

If the General Hit Points are reduced to zero, the target dies. If the Body Part Hit Points are reduced to zero, the body part is disabled and any Strength, Speed, Willpower or abilities given by that body part are lost.

Additionally, a Bleed value may be applied to the character base on the body part's bleed value.

Special damage values - from poison, virus, paralysis - are only applied to the target if at least some standard damage is inflicted.

Icons virophage damage.png Virophage Damage

Damages exclusively lifeforms that carry traces of the Pandoravirus. This includes anyone who undergone controlled mutation, such as the Disciples of Anu.

Virused.png Virus Damage

If a weapon inflicts at least some Standard Damage, then the Virus Damage value of the weapon is added to the target's Virus value.

Virus damage can accumulate from multiple attacks. At the start of the affected character's turn, its virus value is subtracted from Will Points. Then the virus level reduces by 1.

Over multiple turns, the virus level will fall to zero, but the victim will panic if his Will Points fall to zero.

Standard Medkits have no effect on Virus damage.